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Absolut Warp

The Absolut Warp project was designed for the Absolut Vodka competition "Mobile Pop-up Bar", 
which took place in Austria in May 2014.
Rather than being just a common bar, the proposal defines itself as an architectural statement and represents the
brands characteristics (dynamic, innovative, inventive) in a contemporary, high-tech-oriented way.
A plug connection based on a slot-and key principle was chosen as the formal structure and gives the
bar a 'mobile' -demountable- appearance. It facilitates its montage as it doesn't require any screws or bolts at all, 
keeps the transportation volume as small as possible and the range of formal extension almost infinite.
Furthermore the bar also serves as an contemporary installation, representing the brand itself.
The functionality of a bar, a cost limit of 10.000 Euros and the possibility of quick assembly and removal were the major prerequisites.
The design won the 2nd prize at this nationwide Competition.
Absolut Warp

Absolut Warp

The Absolut Warp project was designed for the Absolut Vodka competition "Mobile Pop-up Bar", which took place in Austria in May 2014. Rather tha Read More
